Recycling Options
Residents within cities or villages in Rock Island County should use city-provided curbside recycling. Those living in apartments or other multi-family residences or in the unincorporated areas of Rock Island County who don’t have curbside recycling pick-up through a private hauler or community can use the options below.
Waste Commission of Scott County
5650 Carey Avenue, Davenport, IA and other locations in Davenport and Scott County.Drop off recycling at this site is 24/7.
For a list of sites and accepted materials, visit:
Midland Davis Corporation
3301 - 4th Ave., Moline, IL
(309) 764-6723
Mon. - Fri., 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Hours are limited to daytime business hours.
Republic Services
Upper Rock Island County Landfill
17201 - 20th Ave. N., East Moline, IL
17201 - 20th Ave. N., East Moline, IL
(309) 496-2396 or (800) 555-1614
Mon. - Fri., 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Hours are limited to daytime business hours.
Acceptable items include:
- Newspaper, magazines, and junk mail
- Aluminum and tin (steel) cans
- Cardboard and chipboard (cereal boxes, soda can boxes, etc.)
- Plastic bottles, jugs, and containers (numbered 1-7)
- Glass Bottles
Recycling Guidelines
NEWSPAPERS - Can be loose or tied with string.
Acceptable: Newspapers, ad supplements, brown paper bags.
Unacceptable: Anything with glue, plastic bags.
MAGAZINES/PHONE BOOKS - Deposit in containers at drop off center.
Acceptable: Any book.
Unacceptable: Waxed or plastic coated paper.
CARDBOARD - Corrugated cardboard only. Flatten, stack.
Acceptable: Boxes with staples; brown paper sacks; chipboard; sacks with string; cereal boxes; pop cartons; gable-top cartons (ex: milk cartons).
Unacceptable: Wax or plastic coated paper; feed/seed sacks; anything with food scraps.
MIXED PAPER - Keep paper dry and clean. (Staples accepted)
Acceptable: Computer/typing/writing/photocopy paper; envelopes; light pastel colors; file folders; unwanted residential mail.
Unacceptable: Carbon & other sensitized paper; blueprint paper; film/photographs; tape/glue; metal objects; spiral binders/fasteners.
SHREDDED PAPER - Place in a paper bag labeled “Shredded Paper”
Acceptable: Any type of shredded paper
Unacceptable: Loose shredded paper or shredded paper in a plastic bag
Acceptable: Any type of shredded paper
Unacceptable: Loose shredded paper or shredded paper in a plastic bag

For a complete list of accepted materials, visit: