Most of the communities in Rock Island County share similar regulations concerning the burning of yard waste. The following is a list of the general regulations that the villages/cities require. For specific information, please contact your village/city's information office before you burn.
Regulations for Yard/Landscape Waste:
- All fires shall be at least 25 feet from any structure or adjoining property boundary.
- All fires must be constantly attended and have a means to extinguish the fire readily available.
- No fire shall be on asphalt or sidewalks.
- The Fire Chief holds the right to declare a non-burn day.
- No municipal waste or hazardous waste will be burned.
- All fires will be extinguished by sunset.
It is suggested that you call your local fire station before you burn yard waste to see if burning is acceptable on that day.
If in rural Rock Island County, please contact your local fire district.

Cities with Specific Burning Regulations and Information Numbers:
EAST MOLINE: Burning is allowed Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
For more information, call (309) 752-1505 or visit
MOLINE: There is a burn ban in place for the burning of garbage, leaves, and yard waste.
For more Information, visit
ROCK ISLAND: There is a burn ban in place for the burning of leaves and yard waste.
For more Information, visit
SILVIS: Burning is allowed Monday through Saturday from dawn to dusk.
For more information, call (309) 792-3454 or visit
Yard/Landscape Waste Compost Site:
Upper Rock Island County Landfill
17201 20th Avenue N., East Moline, IL
(309) 496-2396 or (800) 555-1614
Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, 7:00 a.m. - Noon.
Call for pricing.
Limbs, leaves, shrubs, and grass accepted